State of Grace special editions

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Colette Rhodes is a paranormal romance author from New Zealand. She loves to write about love in all its forms, and adores imperfect heroes and heroines who find perfection in each other.

You’ll often find her trying to justify her degree by including ancient history and mythological influences in her work. If she’s not writing, then you’re almost certain to find her reading—ideally with a cup of tea in hand and a scented candle burning to match the mood.


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31 May - 1 June 2025

Sydney, I'm headed your way! I'm so excited to be attending BABE 2025 in a few months. Will I be seeing you there?

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4 October 2025

I'm so excited to be heading back to Melbourne for RARE25! Hope to see you there x

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The For Good Editions are print special editions available exclusively through my website. 100% of proceeds from the sale
of these editions goes to Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders).

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